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- Facing of the Bank should be North or East.
- There should not be any obstruction in the way to Bank.

- Bank should not be placed in basement of any building.
- Main gate of the bank should not be at dead end.
- Drinking water should be kept in Northeast direction.
- Canteen and Pantry should be towards Southeast direction.
- Staffs should sit facing North or East.
- Manager cabin should be in Southwest direction.
- Washroom should be in Northwest direction.
- Locker should be in Southwest area.
- Stationery should be stored in Northwest area.
- Cash deposit counter should be in Southern area.
- Cash payment counter should be in Western area.
- Stairs should be in Southwest, Southeast or Northwest area.
- Inverter should be kept in Southeast or Northwest area.
- Generator should be kept in Northwest or Southeast area.